The Story of Raise a Heart
Hello, I’m Jessica. I am the Founder of Raise a Heart. The mission of this platform is to give voice and space to the countless of stories and journeys that mothers who have experienced child loss, particularly at birth, go through. It is also a space to provide resources that can offer comfort, support, advocacy, guidance and connections from other mothers who have also experienced loss.
My story of loss is unique as is all of yours who are reading this and navigating that experience can be a struggle. My hope is that is sharing our stories of our children, whether at miscarriage or at an older age, we can offer guidance through the “forever grief” that we experience after the loss of a child.
Please consider sharing your story here, or on our instagram page as we begin our work together. You will find the stillbirth story of my daughter there as we grow a community seeking a bond that none of us wished we would have.
Thank you for your early support and visiting our page as we begin and grow this space together. You will begin to see articles and content linked that can offer immediate support on our Resources Page in the Menu at the top of this page.
With gratitude, Jessica